Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Uncanny Margie

I was talking to a friend last night... and he told me something that I find really interesting and confuddling at the same time. He was trying to give me a different perspective on how some people view me, my actions, motivations, and work. He told me some people have a really hard time understanding because I am “uncanny.”

So... basically... if I reside in the “uncanny valley” of their perceptions, as he believes... then I’m ranking right in there with androids, prosthetics, corpses, and zombies.
In their perceptions, I resemble a human, but don’t act like what a human is supposed to act like and don’t think like what a human is supposed to think like. I’m “too lifelike” without being “real,” although they can sense that I am “real”... like those china dolls that give me shivers down my spine, I am just as “creepy.”
In reaction to my strangeness and unfamiliarity, they respond in a few different ways:
“Stop acting like that. Stop doing the things you’re doing.”
“I don’t understand the motives you claim for doing this. I’ll just create my own story about why you’re doing it, something I’m familiar with that I can understand.”
“You’re weird. I don’t want to be around you.”
“You’re too different. I’m going to beat you up.”

Of course there are some people who understand me and identify with what I’m doing... but they don’t consider me to be “uncanny.”

I’m actually rather familiar with being perceived as uncanny.
I still remember the whispers from when I was in grade school... small towns aren’t very accepting when you’re a “strange child.” I was too giving, too caring, felt too much sympathy and empathy. I could see things no one else saw, felt things other people didn’t feel, believed in things others didn’t.
All of this translated in my young adult years as, “You’re such a cute little country bumpkin.”
As an adult I’ve been dubbed as naïve and “fluffy.”
And now, I’m “uncanny.”

Is that so?

I believe in the good in mankind. I believe in innocent until proven guilty. I believe that all men are created equal... and stay equal. I believe we can overcome indoctrination. I believe we can evolve, that we don’t have to live in the past. I believe that healthy people will act in altruistic ways when given the chance. I believe that if we focus on the positive in our lives, we will bring more positives into our lives. I believe in many things that others may not understand.
If that makes me strange, naïve, fluffy, or uncanny... so be it.

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