Saturday, February 6, 2010


I was living with my Aunt Beth (who makes the absolute best homemade donuts ever) and attending North Eugene High...
One morning I grabbed up a small bag of the delicious pastry morsels to share with my friends, put them in with my sandwich, and headed off to school.
As I walked through the fast food restaurant parking lot toward River Road, I saw something that made my heart fall into my boots. A young boy sat at one of the patio tables outside the closed restaurant, feasting on cold fries and partial hamburgers. An older gentleman rummaged through the trash cans, drinking the dregs of "fry sauce" packages and devouring every bit of food he found. I would have guessed their ages at 6 and 60.
I paused for just a moment, taking in the scene and processing all of emotions overwhelming me. As I started walking toward them, the boy hid under the table. The older man began speaking in a language I didn't understand, but the pleading tone of his voice and hand gestures was unmistakable. I smiled at him and raised my hands, to communicate that I meant him no harm, and handed over my lunch sack.
Both his eyes and mine filled with tears of gratitude... his for the food, mine for the opportunity to reach out and make a positive contribution to their lives.

It really is that easy.

The choice is yours, every day, to make a positive contribution or turn away.
You may have stories or circumstances about why you can't, won't, or shouldn't help.
It may be completely against your personal values and ethics to help others... and I accept that... or maybe you will only help certain people, or people in certain situations... and I accept that... but don't try to tell me, "It's not that easy."

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