Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gift Worthy?

I recently encountered a situation that was very confusing... just can't seem to wrap my mind around it... so, I'm writing it out to try to figure it out...

My daughter was sent a gift. A beautiful gift by some beautiful people, and it really made her day to know that someone in her life considered her to be "gift-worthy." This lovely gesture was blemished by another person in our lives who took the attitude that somehow it reflected on my daughter's spending habits... not the person who sent the gift, but the person receiving it.... ????
I don't understand. Really don't understand.
Should we not accept gifts?
Should I have not accepted the kayaks I got for fifteen years of service at IGT?
... the televisions and other furniture from David's parents?
... the travel trailers, refrigerators, and other things from friends?
... the various office equipment, clothing or other personal goods?
If we don't have the money to pay for the object ourselves, then we're obligated to not accept the object as a gift?
Is that how it works?
I'm not sure.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely NOT how it works!! As a single mom, I would not have been able to adequately care for my children without accepting gifts that I cannot afford!! When the washer broke, the church brought me one. Without help from the midwife I work for, my kids would not have shoes that fit or clothes without holes. Heck, this computer I am typing on was a gift from my aunt when my unit went belly up! Not to say that I LIKE it! In fact, when people ask what my educational goals are, I tell them - simply to be self-sufficient. My dream is to be able to support my family without charity or assistance from the state. SIGH...someday...
