Saturday, October 16, 2010

Autumn Ramblings...

The squirrels are retreating to their burrows... snakes are moving slowly, even in the sun...
Chevrons of geese overhead...Milkyway shining clearer...
It won't be long now...

Half of the garden is ready to be turned under, the other half still shivers through the night...
Canning, drying, and freezing the meager harvest...
Draining, covering, storing, tarping... so much to do...

The Hunter challenges, "Make your choice..."
The Crone whispers, "...wisely."

Let go of the many, so that the few may prosper. Choose. Cull the herd.

The most precious commodities are irreplaceable resources: time and attention.

... and so I choose.

Much like pruning branches, I will be trimming my life this winter.
These past three months have been challenging to my personal resources already... and so I will be directing them all toward those most important in my life.

There will be another time... when "grain" is plentiful once again... and I may choose to spend more resources on these other things again... but for now, my focus is near-sighted and clear.

1 comment:

  1. The most common questions directed toward this post have been, "What are you talking about? And what does this mean to me?"
    Good questions. Let me clarify by answering.
    It's been months since I've been able to help serve food down at Tent City... and there's no telling when I'll be able to continue. My part in this good work I must sacrifice to hold a job and support my family.
    But, this is only the first of many projects, programs, and organizations that must be culled so that my loves and other responsibilities will thrive.
    Try to do too much, and you find yourself doing very little.
    In order for things to happen, things must be done... but in trying to be so involved with so many things in the community, my responsibilities have suffered for lack of the necessary attention... so I'm narrowing my focus.
    I will concentrate on the projects, programs, and events specific to SEWSL and NNVPPD... and them only after my household, family, and kindred.
    So... although I'm sure there will be many community events scheduled, organized, and held... and I may participate... I probably won't be involved with the planning, organizing, directing, decorating, etc.

    The Message I received this past ceremony was, "Many Hands, One Drum."
    My hands do not always have to be playing in order for the drum to sound... if the need is there, and the Universe wills it, my hands will be replaced. I am not so arrogant to think that I must be involved or it won't get done... because if it doesn't get done, then the need must not be so great that we couldn't do without it.
    People may not be replaceable, but positions and roles are... just ask any adoptive parent.
