Friday, May 28, 2010

Can you imagine?

Driving down a dusty dirt road... rocky cairns jut up from the high desert floor, surrounded by sagebrush and native grasses. Barbwire fences stretch along the ditch. You approach your destination, an oasis of green among the sun-beaten landscape, tall poplars and aspen float gently on the summer breeze. Small cabins nestle under the leafy giants.
The parking lot is filling up with cars and smiling faces. Yard wagons are used to transport gear to the shady areas beyond a rustic wooden fence. Children run from cabins and tents, gathering up playmates and racing to the playground. Teens group near the horseshoe pits, greeting each other after some time apart.
The wind shifts, and you can smell the garden in bloom. Berry bushes, orchard trees, and flowering plants sweeten the air. Come fall, there will be a huge harvest to prepare and preserve for winter.
The windmill creaks and groans with the slight breeze, but the solar panels are charging the batteries now.
Three young folk come out of the chicken coop with baskets. They laugh and talk, bragging that each has the largest egg. Others are throwing feed to the livestock farther out. The geese honk their displeasure at a dog romping through the edges of the pond.
Two young mothers have spread a blanket on part of the sparse lawn areas, watching their young ones getting some "tummy time" and learning to crawl. The babies laugh and coo at the Unseen Ones flitting about the rosebushes. Cheerful noise and wonderful smells come from the kitchen in the main house. The sign on the door says, "Welcome Home."

There are a few residents on the farm. There are displaced kids, some who came to live for the summer, and their caretakers. A few came when they aged-out of the foster system and had nowhere to go. They all take care of the farm, and the farm takes care of them.

In this place... there are no accidents... there are no misfits or weirdos... everyone is recognized for their talents, skills, abilities, and contribution... Everyone has Value for who they are, not just for what they do... and they know the value of others. Everyone is valid and validated. They are allowed to explore, experience, and express. Here, there is safety for the mind, body, heart, and spirit.

This place is a vision... its manifestation is my Intention.

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