Saturday, October 23, 2010

Storm Season Approaches

Storm season is rapidly approaching in the Northern Nevada area. Are you prepared?
With the prospect of wind, snow, ice, and possible power-outages looming, preparing for winter is more than bringing out the heavy coats and blankets. Here’s a few ideas to get you started...

Stage your flashlights and camping lanterns strategically around the house. Put them in areas where they will be accessible during power outages. Candles are great for mood lighting, but they also represent a fire hazard during the night, when the need for artificial lighting is greatest.
Check and replace batteries (as necessary) for your flashlights, battery-backup alarm clock, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, and radio. Having a radio handy that can also get the weather alert station will help keep you informed. Don’t forget your car battery, too!
Keep your floors and entry/exits as clear as possible. You don’t want to cause yourself injury if you’re stumbling around in the dark.
Keep water stocked, in case your pipes freeze. You might have a heat tape on the pipes under your house, but you never know when a water main could freeze, crack, or completely blow. Keep drinking water stored as well as a few jugs to flush toilets.
Keep enough canned food to last your household for 3-7 days... and a device to cook it. All of the canned ravioli in the world isn’t going to taste any better if you don’t have a way of heating it. A small propane camp stove is perfect. Just store it under your kitchen sink until you need it. Many people I know keep theirs with the rest of their camping supplies, then have to go out into the cold and snow to dig it out of storage. Dig it out now.
Don’t keep a lot of frozen or refrigerated foods. Shop more often, buy less. If you lose power for a few days, you could lose everything in your refrigerator-freezer. Clean it out, eat it now.
Stay on top of your laundry and dish-washing! You don’t want to be caught with mounds of dirty clothes and dishes with no way of cleaning them.
Keep some baby wipes and paper plates around, too. Remember, if you lose electricity and/or water, it’s going to be like camping indoors.
Put an emergency pack in your vehicle! If you get caught out in a snow drift, you’re going to need food, water, warmth, and a way to signal for help. Don’t forget to add something for entertainment, too. Kids’ toys, games, a book or two, note pad and pen, etc. Since batteries drain their charge when cold, a small flashlight attached to your key chain or in your purse is a much better idea than keeping one in your trunk. Keep your gas tank full, too.
Store a small chest of tools in a closet somewhere. Searching for a hammer so you can hang plastic over a broken window during a storm really sucks. Speaking of plastic... heavy, clear plastic and a roll of duct tape are a couple more items to store in your closet.
If you do lose electricity for an extended period, be prepared to gather everyone into one room to sleep. Close off all other rooms with blankets or plastic, especially bathrooms, since they’re a heat-sink due to all of the water pipes and tile. Use your body heat to heat the room. DO NOT use barbecues an other devices that produce a lot of carbon monoxide to stay warm. You could even set up a tent in your living room (minus the tent stakes) to stay even warmer!

These are just a few ideas to get you thinking of winter time preparation.

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