Saturday, January 30, 2010

My mission

During a speech in Detroit, on June 23, 1963... Martin Luther King Jr said, "I submit to you that if a man hasn't discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live."

And while these simple words have been spoken to rally the masses in many years since... Mr King was not promoting violence in his speech.
He was advocating a change of culture, a change of the Values, Rules, and Social Roles of his time. He called for opposition of the intolerable through love.
"... It calls on them to engage in that something called love. And I know it is difficult sometimes. When I say "love" at this point, I’m not talking about an affectionate emotion." ... "I’m talking about something much deeper. I’m talking about a sort of understanding, creative, redemptive goodwill for all men."

Although he began many statements with these four words, Martin Luther King Jr said more than "I have a dream."
During this speech he said "I have a dream this afternoon that the brotherhood of man will become a reality in this day."

I share this dream.

I dream of a day when the culture of this community has matured and knows itself...

I dream of a sun rising over a community that fosters spiritual transcendence...

I dream of a People who can look beyond the tips of their own noses, outside of their holy books and temples, and seek reconnection with the Divine In Each Other...

I dream of a day when grandchildren and great-grandchildren take elderly hands in theirs and speak with compassion with ALL of their Brothers and Sisters...

I dream of a time when "Living Large/Well" means "Living Ethically"...

This can BE that day.

WE can create that day.

We ALL can be those People.

In the immortal words of Dr. Frankenfurter of the Rocky Horror Picture Show:
"Don't dream it... Be it."

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