Sunday, February 10, 2013

Working with energy

When learning to work with energy, first we should examine what it is and where to find it.
Let's start with basic physics.
1. There are several different types of energy: kinetic, heat, light, sound, electricity, etc.
2. Energy is present in all things, even seemingly inanimate objects like chairs, rocks, coffee cups, etc.
3. All energy (and therefore all objects) "pulses" at a certain rate. This "pulse" can be increased or decreased by manipulating matter-energy.
4. The rate and purity of the "pulse" may determine how useful the energy is in that state.
Example A: The flow of electrical energy is measured in amps and volts. It's not a good idea to plug a 220v device into a 110v outlet. Impure amperage or voltage (surges and brown-outs) can also affect the operative condition of the mechanical device.
Example B: Heat energy is measured in kelvins. Inaccurate or inconsistent application of heat energy will not cause the same chemical reaction inside your oven, and that birthday cake just might not turn out the way you wanted.
5. The Law of Energy Conservation states that energy does not deplete, but changes to a different form of energy or potential energy.
Example: The human nervous system uses electrical energy to cause bio-mechanical responses in the body, to tense and release muscles. This changes electrical energy into kinetic (mechanical) energy. The brain can tell the body to cock a crossbow, tensing the crossbow arms and string. The kinetic energy is then transformed into potential energy (stored energy).
6. Quantum physics tells us that all energy can affect the molecular structure of matter-energy and that the "pulse" is more important to this change than intensity.
Example: Ultraviolet light can cause a sunburn, but infrared light cannot, simply because of the light frequency "pulse."
7. Quantum mechanics also explains that all energy, potential energy, and matter-energy can be expressed mathematically with an equation.

Okay.... for everyone who's still with me, let's move on to metaphysics and parapsychology...

1. Metaphysics also includes types of energy that science has not been able to explain yet, such as spiritual energy, chi, etc. Metaphysics also recognizes thought-energy as different from, or in addition to, the electrical energy required for brain operation.
2. Parapsychology is the field of study of the effects of using thought-energy.
3. The mathematical equations used to express metaphysical energy is sometimes called Sacred Geometry.

And now, we have a scientific basis for magic.

More to come...

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