Sunday, December 13, 2009

lil mama

We're sitting here watching videos and laughing.

Dia let out a sigh, put her hands over her face and proclaimed, "I am not seeing this."

Then, with a grand gesture, she asked in an exasperated voice, "Who's the adult here, guys?"

I about gave myself a hernia from laughing.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How to tell when you watch too many movies

So, I'm sitting in a restaurant with Dia... some guys come in wearing camouflage... she says, " 'ans-formers!"

I say, "huh?"

She repeats " 'ans-formers!" points to one of the soldiers and asks "Where's da 'ans-formers?"

I blinked a couple times, realizing what she's saying, and replied, "Oh, honey, I don't think they have any Transformers with them."

By this time, one of the guys within earshot is b-u-s-t-ing up!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How to tell when...

How to tell when you watch too many detective/cop shows, like CSI and NCIS...

When the two-year-old in the house starts interrogating her stuffed animals.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

you know you're a smartass when...

I was standing on a step-stool in the laundry room, paint roller in hand, when a friend comes in and asks, "Painting in here today?"

My first reaction was to say, "Nope, dusting for really big fingerprints."

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Small Talk

Let me tell ya... this whole "personal networking" is gonna drive me crazy.

I'm not really good at writing letters... or notes... or phone calls... or... well, I'm not very good at keeping in contact period.
To say I'm "not very good at it" is kinda like saying "Casper is a little pale."

I downright suck at it.

I'm not good at small talk. I can write about research that I've done, things I've learned or experienced, and all that *waves hands around* lofty, conceptual stuff. I can do that easily. But to engage in talk about simple, mundane, daily life... is so incredibly tedious that it takes me hOUrs... and I end up playing games instead.

But... here's the latest update from the household...

The juvenile hens are almost mature and laying... the chicks are now juveniles.
The goose is still an ass... and the rooster is starting to get a little plucky.
The garden is doing well... the first run of peas are almost ready to be replaced... the strawberries are running amok... and the tomatoes are bushing well.

I'm almost ready to start teaching classes... the kids are fine... David's still David (I don't think he'll ever be fine or ok)...

Yeah... I suck at this.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

About my Myspace status message...

My current status message on Myspace reads "www. AskMargie . com"

Now, you might be asking yourself why I would put a website on my status message if the website doesn't actually exist.... or you could just be wondering why Weebles only wobble or whatever... but anyway... here's the story behind it:

I used to work in an office that was a lot of fun (most of the time)... with some really great people. I had quite a bit of experience in the company... so... if there was something they couldn't figure out, they would come ask me.

And that began to include topics that were outside of work...

See... I know a little bit about a lot of things... not that I know a whole lot about any particular thing... but bits about off-the-wall things... topics ranging from BDSM to the gear ratio on a fishing reel... from ghost hunting to collecting cuttings from a peach tree... from psychology to composting...

I just pick up odd and unusual facts... I like the odd and unusual... just look at my friends (bwahhaahhhaaa).

Well... one of the guys at work (who's always scheming on money-making ideas) decided that I needed to start my own website where people pay me to answer questions for them... and that's what led to the "www. AskMargie .com"

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Imagine if you will...
Sitting peacefully around the frontroom...
... just enjoying being together as a family...
... watching a bit of tv...
... listening to Aradia singing her little songs...
She starts to sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider"...
... she's making the little hand motions of the spider climbing up the water spout...
Suddenly... she looks down at her hands...
... her eyes go wide...
... she gasps... "Oh no! A spider!" and begins to smack her hand with her fist...
I about pissed my pants, I was laughing so hard!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Week of Sundays

Well, it's been a week since my last day at IGT.

I'm still not used to it.

I still feel "on the verge" of going back to work. It's been like a week of Sundays, feeling like tomorrow I'll have to get up and drive to the office. Even though I know I don't have anywhere I have to go, it still feels like it.

It still feels like any day now, I will have to set my alarm, find where I put my badge, get in the car in the morning, and make the 22 mile drive to South Meadows.

Even though intellectually I know that day isn't coming, I'm still waiting for it.

So far, during this week of Sundays, I've managed to get a few things accomplished here at home... not as many as I thought would be done by now, but enough.