Tuesday, December 9, 2008

a year of Earth

If you've ever had a Digger in your garden, you probably know the frustration of toppled plants... it can be frustrating for the Digger, too... when all they wanted to do was get to know the plant.

"You said it was an herb... the top looked like pennyroyal, but I wasn't sure, so I dug up the roots... it's pennyroyal alright... and I found some others down here, too... and they're all different... see here's comfrey and here's lavender and here... why are you so mad?"

Ok... so for the past year I've been digging and digging and discovering all kinds of wonderful roots...
When I dedicated this last year to Earth, I figured I'd be working with more tangible stuff... guess digging through my own DNA history was what the Universe had planned for me instead.

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